The purpose of the MHBA AIME (Advances in Miniature Hereford Excellence) Program is to recognize exceptional cattle and breeders in the Miniature Hereford breed.
Each animal receives points for each AIME show entered based on their placing in the show. The animal with the highest points at the end of the year is awarded the title of Animal of Excellence.

The 2024 Female of Excellence was awarded to T3C Emery, owned by Brice and Rileigh White of Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Brice and Rileigh also were awarded the 2024 Bull of Excellence with T3C You Bet. 
The 2024 Prospect Steer of Excellence was awarded to Karly Biddle of Walcutt, Iowa for her steer, Double K Leroy K119.
The 2024 Market Steer of Excellence was awarded to Lee, owned by Deacon James of Wilburton, Oklahoma (picture not available).
The Ranch of Distinction division is designed to recognize breeders for their success in the show ring across multiple animals. This program is an accumulative point show program designed to recognize ranches/farms that promote and educate the general public about the Miniature Hereford breed. These ranches/farms do this through exhibiting their animals in Miniature Hereford shows across the country.

The 2024 MHBA Ranch of Distiction I (1-3 head exhibited) was awarded to 4 Wiley Farm of Mount Vernon, Ohio.
The 2024 MHBA Ranch of Distinction II (4-6 head exhibited) was awarded to Karly Biddle of Walcott, Iowa (pictured above).
Congratulations to all the AIMES winners for their success this past year both in the show ring and in furthering the Miniature Hereford breed!