2025 Election Begins!!!
The MHBA and MHYF annual election process began on
Saturday, March 01, 2025. The nomination packets will be
placed in the mail on Monday, March 3, 2025, with all eligible
MHBA Family level members receiving one.
In order to receive a nomination packet, you must have a paid
Family level membership as of Saturday March 01, 2025.
If you or someone you know would like to run for a position on
either board, please place the name on the nomination form and
mail to your MHBA Secretary in the self-addressed envelope
included with the nomination letter and form. The nomination
forms must be postmarked no later than March 31, 2025.
The MHBA and MHYF Boards highly encourage you to be part of
this important process!
MHBA Officer Positions MHYF Officer Positions
President President
Secretary Secretary
Region 1 Director Director of Grants
Region 4 Director
Region 7 Director
2025 MHBA and MHYF Election Process
The election process for the Miniature Hereford Breeders
Association® (MHBA) and the Miniature Hereford Youth Foundation®
(MHYF) takes several months to complete. I would like to walk you
through the steps that are taken to ensure a proper election is
The MHBA Membership Director is constantly keeping accurate
records of the Association's membership roster as this is critical to our
election process. Prior to the election process beginning, the MHBA
Secretary will contact the Accounting firm and complete all necessary
contracting documents. On the day the election process is to begin
(Saturday, March 1, 2025) the Membership Director will make a list of
all current eligible voting members who hold a paid Family
Membership in the MHBA. Each of these members will then be sent
by mail an official nomination packet (as per Article II, Section 11 of
the By-Laws). This packet will include any nomination information
needed (what positions are up for election, nomination criteria,
nomination form, and the nomination return deadline, etc.).
Keep in mind that there are some stipulations that apply to the MHBA
and MHYF elections regarding nominating and voting eligibility.
Article III, Section 1 states that “to qualify for a position on the MHBA
Board as well as one of the nine Regional Director positions, a
candidate must be an individual and presently a Member in Good
Standing (an MGS is an individual with a minimum of three
consecutive preceding years without lapse as a paid Family member
prior to the current election cycle).” Also, according to Article II,
Section 11, “Executive Board of Directors may be nominated and
voted on by all MHBA paid members holding a current Family
Membership. Members of the nine Regions shall nominate and vote
on members from their own Region to represent them as their
corresponding Regional Director.”
When a member receives their official nomination packet, they are
able to complete the nomination form and return to the MHBA
Secretary via mail prior to the established nomination deadline. As
the nomination forms are received by the MHBA Secretary, he/she will
add the names to a Nomination Roster. After the nominee’s name is
added to the roster, their vetting process begins with the MHBA and
MHYF Secretaries working together to properly vet each individual
nominated. During the vetting process the Secretaries check to see if
the person holds a current “Member in Good Standing” status (being a
current paid member for a minimum of three consecutive years or
longer prior to the current election process) according to the MHBA
By-Laws. If the nominee does not qualify, they are notified by their
Secretary (MHBA or MHYF) and provided the reason for their non-
qualification at that point. If the nominee does qualify to hold office,
they are contacted and asked if they accept their nomination. If they
accept the nomination, their name is moved to the official ballot list; if
they decline, their name is moved to a declined nomination list. The
completed nomination list as well as a list of all the positions that are
available for the current election cycle is then sent by the Secretary to
the independent Accounting firm to be used as the secondary double
After the nomination deadline has passed, and the nominees are
vetted, the MHBA Secretary will make sure that all qualified candidate
names are properly placed on the Official Ballot. The MHBA
Secretary will then mail an Official Ballot packet to the independent
Accounting firm, as well as to all eligible MHBA Family level
memberships, with a return envelope to the MHBA’s Independent
Accounting firm (Article II, Section 10). As members complete his/her
ballot, it is important to note that the Official ballots are not returned to
the MHBA Secretary or any other member of either Board. The
ballots instead are mailed directly to the independent Accounting firm
where they will be tallied. The results are blind tallied and the MHBA
Secretary will never be informed of the votes submitted by individual
members. The results of that tally will be sent directly to the MHBA
Secretary only, where he/she will make record of the official results. It
is then the Secretaries duty to contact each individual who has been
officially elected and inform them of their selection. Candidates that
were not elected will be notified and thanked for their participation in
the MHBA/MHYF elections. The results of the election will then be
made available to all MHBA members via several avenues (website,
Facebook, email).
Whew….yes, it does take that long, but it is well worth it. The MHBA
and the MHYF encourage our members to participate by placing their
nominations in and voting in the election process. This is your
opportunity to help support and shape our Association.
If you have any questions, please contact Diane Jex, MHBA Secretary
- mhbasecretary24@gmail.com
Thank you for participating in the Election process.
Your MHBA and MHYF Boards