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  • 2 Mar 2025 12:05 PM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    2025 Election Begins!!!

    The MHBA and MHYF annual election process began on

    Saturday, March 01, 2025.  The nomination packets will be

    placed in the mail on Monday, March 3, 2025, with all eligible

    MHBA Family level members receiving one. 

    In order to receive a nomination packet, you must have a paid

    Family level membership as of Saturday March 01, 2025.   

    If you or someone you know would like to run for a position on

    either board, please place the name on the nomination form and

    mail to your MHBA Secretary in the self-addressed envelope

    included with the nomination letter and form.  The nomination

    forms must be postmarked no later than March 31, 2025. 

    The MHBA and MHYF Boards highly encourage you to be part of

    this important process!  

    MHBA Officer Positions MHYF Officer Positions

    President President

    Secretary Secretary

    Region 1 Director Director of Grants

    Region 4 Director

    Region 7 Director


     2025 MHBA and MHYF Election Process

    The election process for the Miniature Hereford Breeders

    Association® (MHBA) and the Miniature Hereford Youth Foundation®

    (MHYF) takes several months to complete.  I would like to walk you

    through the steps that are taken to ensure a proper election is


    The MHBA Membership Director is constantly keeping accurate

    records of the Association's membership roster as this is critical to our

    election process.  Prior to the election process beginning, the MHBA

    Secretary will contact the Accounting firm and complete all necessary

    contracting documents.  On the day the election process is to begin

    (Saturday, March 1, 2025) the Membership Director will make a list of

    all current eligible voting members who hold a paid Family

    Membership in the MHBA.  Each of these members will then be sent

    by mail an official nomination packet (as per Article II, Section 11 of

    the By-Laws). This packet will include any nomination information

    needed (what positions are up for election, nomination criteria,

    nomination form, and the nomination return deadline, etc.).

    Keep in mind that there are some stipulations that apply to the MHBA

    and MHYF elections regarding nominating and voting eligibility. 

    Article III, Section 1 states that “to qualify for a position on the MHBA

    Board as well as one of the nine Regional Director positions, a

    candidate must be an individual and presently a Member in Good

    Standing (an MGS is an individual with a minimum of three

    consecutive preceding years without lapse as a paid Family member

    prior to the current election cycle).”  Also, according to Article II,

    Section 11, “Executive Board of Directors may be nominated and

    voted on by all MHBA paid members holding a current Family

    Membership.  Members of the nine Regions shall nominate and vote

    on members from their own Region to represent them as their

    corresponding Regional Director.”

    When a member receives their official nomination packet, they are

    able to complete the nomination form and return to the MHBA

    Secretary via mail prior to the established nomination deadline.  As

    the nomination forms are received by the MHBA Secretary, he/she will

    add the names to a Nomination Roster.  After the nominee’s name is

    added to the roster, their vetting process begins with the MHBA and

    MHYF Secretaries working together to properly vet each individual

    nominated.   During the vetting process the Secretaries check to see if

    the person holds a current “Member in Good Standing” status (being a

    current paid member for a minimum of three consecutive years or

    longer prior to the current election process) according to the MHBA

    By-Laws.  If the nominee does not qualify, they are notified by their

    Secretary (MHBA or MHYF) and provided the reason for their non-

    qualification at that point. If the nominee does qualify to hold office,

    they are contacted and asked if they accept their nomination.  If they

    accept the nomination, their name is moved to the official ballot list; if

    they decline, their name is moved to a declined nomination list.  The

    completed nomination list as well as a list of all the positions that are

    available for the current election cycle is then sent by the Secretary to

    the independent Accounting firm to be used as the secondary double


    After the nomination deadline has passed, and the nominees are

    vetted, the MHBA Secretary will make sure that all qualified candidate

    names are properly placed on the Official Ballot.  The MHBA

    Secretary will then mail an Official Ballot packet to the independent

    Accounting firm, as well as to all eligible MHBA Family level

    memberships, with a return envelope to the MHBA’s Independent

    Accounting firm (Article II, Section 10).  As members complete his/her

    ballot, it is important to note that the Official ballots are not returned to

    the MHBA Secretary or any other member of either Board.  The

    ballots instead are mailed directly to the independent Accounting firm

    where they will be tallied.  The results are blind tallied and the MHBA

    Secretary will never be informed of the votes submitted by individual

    members.  The results of that tally will be sent directly to the MHBA

    Secretary only, where he/she will make record of the official results.  It

    is then the Secretaries duty to contact each individual who has been

    officially elected and inform them of their selection. Candidates that

    were not elected will be notified and thanked for their participation in

    the MHBA/MHYF elections.  The results of the election will then be

    made available to all MHBA members via several avenues (website,

    Facebook, email).  

    Whew….yes, it does take that long, but it is well worth it.  The MHBA

    and the MHYF encourage our members to participate by placing their

    nominations in and voting in the election process.  This is your

    opportunity to help support and shape our Association.

    If you have any questions, please contact Diane Jex, MHBA Secretary

    - mhbasecretary24@gmail.com

    Thank you for participating in the Election process.

    Your MHBA and MHYF Boards

  • 20 Jan 2025 9:32 AM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    At the 2025 MHBA Annual Meeting, held on January 10th at the National Western Stock Show, Charles Rohla presented research data and current recommendations from the Height Committee.  

    The Board has not implemented these changes at this time, but will continue to study the data and consider feedback from the membership before making a final decision.  

    Below is a summary of the data that was presented to the membership.  

    2025 Annual Meeting Height Committee Presentation.pdf

    We appreciate the Committee's extensive time and work in presenting this research to the Board and membership.  

  • 19 Jan 2025 11:30 AM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    The purpose of the MHBA AIME (Advances in Miniature Hereford Excellence) Program is to recognize exceptional cattle and breeders in the Miniature Hereford breed.  

    Each animal receives points for each AIME show entered based on their placing in the show.  The animal with the highest points at the end of the year is awarded the title of Animal of Excellence.  

    The 2024 Female of Excellence was awarded to T3C Emery, owned by Brice and Rileigh White of Cheyenne, Wyoming.  

    Brice and Rileigh also were awarded the 2024 Bull of Excellence with T3C You Bet.  

    The 2024 Prospect Steer of Excellence was awarded to Karly Biddle of Walcutt, Iowa for her steer, Double K Leroy K119.  

    The 2024 Market Steer of Excellence was awarded to Lee, owned by Deacon James of Wilburton, Oklahoma (picture not available).  

    The Ranch of Distinction division is designed to recognize breeders for their success in the show ring across multiple animals.   This program is an accumulative point show program designed to recognize ranches/farms that promote and educate the general public about the Miniature Hereford breed.  These ranches/farms do this through exhibiting their animals in Miniature Hereford shows across the country.  

    The 2024 MHBA Ranch of Distiction I (1-3 head exhibited) was awarded to 4 Wiley Farm of Mount Vernon, Ohio.  

    The 2024 MHBA Ranch of Distinction II (4-6 head exhibited) was awarded to Karly Biddle of Walcott, Iowa (pictured above).

    Congratulations to all the AIMES winners for their success this past year both in the show ring and in furthering the Miniature Hereford breed!

  • 19 Jan 2025 6:57 AM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    The Justin Grady Herdsman Award was started in 2024 as a way to honor the contributions to the Miniature Hereford breed made by Justin Grady, former MHBA President. 

    Justin Grady was one of first exhibitors of Miniature Herefords at the National Western Stock show, and then became the show superintedent for many years, fighting for recognition and a place at this historic event.  Miniature Herefords are now one of the largest breeds represented at the National Western and much of that success can be attributed to Justin's relentless efforts on behalf of the breed.  

    Cow Swamp Creek Farms was the 2024 recipient of the Justin Grady Herdsman Award and Bobby Schlegel was asked to represent his farm in helping to choose the recipient of the 2025 award.  

    "After a week of being here, we feel McKenna Camp illistrates what the Herdsman Award represents.  She is kind and so helpful in all that she does.  We recognize all of the work she does by herself to take care of her cattle from start to finish.  We wish her the best of luck in the bright future she has in the Miniature Hereford world."

    McKenna, from Maypearl, Texas,  has owned Miniature Herefords for six years.  She is sixteen years old and a junior in highschool.  

    McKenna's Mom says, "I just drive her and foot the bill.  McKenna does the rest."  

    McKenna's goal is to better the breed.  McKenna has a true servant's heart and that can be seen in how she handed off showing her cattle on open show day to her younger brother so that she could assist in the ring as an MHBA Ambassador.  She said, "I just want to help others have a great day."

    Congratulations to McKenna Camp!

  • 26 Dec 2024 3:17 PM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    In accordance with the By-Laws of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association, you are invited to attend the annual meeting of the members to be held at the National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colorado on Friday, January 10, 2025.

    The purpose of the meeting is to update membership on Association items, the financial status of the Association, and recognize our 2025 Royalty & Ambassadors.  

    As a member association, your involvement and participation in the organization is very important.  We hope to see you at the meeting and appreciate your continued support of the Board. 

    Craig DeHaan, President

  • 20 Dec 2024 7:39 PM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    Andrea Trapp has served as the MHBA Secretary since July of 2023.  Andrea has submitted her letter of resignation to the Board effective immediately.  The MHBA Board would like to thank Andrea for her time of service to the Association and the contributions she has made. 

    At the December 19, 2024 board meeting, Diane Jex was appointed to serve as the interim Secretary until the regularly scheduled elections in 2025.  Diane has previously served on the Board of the Miniature Hereford Youth Foundation and is a current member of the Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals Committee.  We greatly appreciate Diane’s willingness to serve on the Board of the MHBA. 

    Diane’s contact information has been added to the Board page of the MHBA website and she can be reached at MHBAsecratry24@gmail.com

  • 11 Nov 2024 12:57 PM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    We at the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association (MHBA) understand the importance of privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. As part of our ongoing dedication to transparency and trust, we are publishing our Privacy Policy to outline how we collect, use, and safeguard the information you share with us.

    Click here for the full privacy policy.  

    This Privacy Policy is effective as of November 11, 2024. Thank you for your continued support of the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association!

  • 27 Jun 2024 5:50 PM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    The 2024 ballots have been counted and the results are in.  

    MHBA Results:

    Vice President - Dan Wiley

    Treasurer - Billy Scott

    Region 3 Director - Isaac Wiley

    Region 6 Director - Charles Rohla

    Region 9 Director - Robin Benton

    MHYF Results:

    Vice President - Brian Moore

    Treasurer - Terri Potter (temporary appointment)

    Director of Scholarships - Alyssa DuVal (temporary appointment)

    Thank you to all who voted!  To view the complete results, visit the Business Info page and log in to your member account.

  • 4 May 2024 5:04 PM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    Natalie Cartwright 's observations after attending the Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals® for the first time in 2023.  

    Impressions from a Newbie

    This year’s 2023 Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals was a blast! It was my first year attending and I have to say that it has been one of my top highlights from this summer. To begin with, I thought the venue MHJN was held at was great; it felt very spacious, but at the same time, condensed enough that it wasn’t too much of a hike to retrieve the cattle or to grab something from the truck. You could say that the Saline County Livestock & Expo Center was the just right kind of porridge, if you know what I mean!

    In addition to this being my first Junior Nationals, this is also my first year as an MHBA Regional Ambassador, and so coming into this week-long event, I was feeling a little stressed knowing that I would be interacting with peers and families and coordinators that I didn’t know very well. I was kind of afraid of being in the way rather than being helpful because I lacked the experience of the other ambassadors and royalty. However, when I actually arrived in Salina and jumped in to help with check-ins on the first day, I realized how sweet everyone was; I had worried for nothing! After that morning, I was eager to assist in any way I could and I really enjoyed getting to know the exhibitors better by doing so. I got to see everyone’s hard work throughout MHJN as well as the results of all of the preparation people had made for this show.

    I reflected that Miniature Hereford Junior Nationals was different from other cattle shows in that there were so many activities and contests other than showing to participate in, which I thought was special! I especially loved the trip to the waterpark. After a hot day, a dip in the pool was just what I needed and I thought having it on Tuesday was a wonderful idea because by then, I was familiar with many of the faces at the park and had made a couple friends to enjoy it with too! As far as the contests go, I really wanted to embrace the full experience and so I signed up for the Photography, Written Expression, Traditional Media, Performing Arts & Digital Media, Prepared Speech, Educational Display, Cattle Judging, and Team Fitting Contests. If you haven’t had the chance to try these out, I encourage you to go for it! I had a whale of a time doing each one; even Team Fitting, despite never having fit a cow before! I was blessed with a very knowledgeable and incredibly patient and easygoing team. I hope they know how much their willingness to share their expertise and the level of welcoming energy they exhibited meant to me!

    Junior Nationals was an experience for me like no other I’ve had before and I am so delighted to have come along this year. I had such a wonderful time and truly felt like a part of the family you all are. There were so many memories made, so thank you to everyone that worked to put on this event, it was beautifully planned and executed, and a thank you to everyone that was there, you were the best part of the event! Also, a humongous thank you to Brian and Diane Jex for EVERYTHING you’ve done for me! Your generosity baffles me and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to know such amazing people like yourselves, who would open a door for me to be a part of this organization. The MHBA sure is a wonderful one!

  • 2 May 2024 5:05 PM | MHBA Marketing (Administrator)

    Election ballots have been placed in the mail and should be arriving in your mailbox soon.  Be sure your voice is heard and submit your votes no later than May 31, 2024.

    Great elections start with great candidates.  Get to know our 2024 nominees.  

    Dan Wiley - Nominee for Vice President

    I live in Central Ohio with my wife, Heather and our two sons, Isaac and Walker.  We purchased our first Miniature Herefords to raise meat for our family on our small farm.  We had never owned cattle before and had no idea what we were doing.  That first year was a baptism by fire, but we sure did learn a lot.  Looking back, we are amazed at how much the cattle industry has embraced us, how much we have learned and how far we have come. 

    Our boys became involved in 4-H and developed a love for the show ring.  We now show on the county, state and national levels.  I first became involved with the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association serving as the Director for Region 3.  We are passionate about the Miniature Hereford breed and have been honored to have been a part in building the breed in this part of the country. 

    As the show superintendent of two national and two state shows, I have had the privilege of meeting so many people and I am honored to be able to represent the breed and the cattle industry.  I have seen the quality of cattle improve and an increased respect for Miniature Herefords.  I am thankful for the platform the show venues have given us and I take pride in the relationships and trust I have been able to build to help move the breed forward in the show arena. 

    I have been honored to serve as the Vice President of the MHBA for the past year.  We are a growing breed and have many opportunities to improve.  We are stronger than when we started, but we still have areas that we can continue to build.  I would be honored to have your vote to continue moving this breed forward and to make the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association a stronger organization supporting the needs of the Miniature Hereford breeders. 

    Kurt Hoban - Nominee for Vice President

    Our family lives just north of Detroit Lakes, MN and we have been raising Miniature Herefords since 2016.  We started our herd with two heifers and a leased bull and have now grown to raising between 20-25 head consistently from year to year.

    Both my wife and I grew up on farms and we wanted the same environment for our kids.  Miniature Herefords seemed like a good fit for us and we are fortunate to be able to raise these cattle while still holding full time jobs away from the farm.

    Miniature Hereford breeders across the country are doing great things to promote their cattle either through websites, social media sites, in print, or through state and local associations.   While we sometimes get caught up in focusing on the show aspect of our cattle, it is important to note that many of our fellow breeders are doing great things promoting the finished beef element of their farms and ranches as well, and with great success.

    Visibility and networking is important, not just for the sale of our stock, but also for the support and mentorship with our fellow breeders. We have a great community of people nationwide, many of whom are just an email or phone call away, who are willing to help answer questions and offer advice on what works and what doesn’t for them. 

     If the association is going to move forward successfully, it should be tapping the entire network of members for ideas and input, at both the regional and executive board level.  

    Billy Scott - Nominee for Treasurer

    My name is Billy Scott and I live in Lubbock, Texas where I work in commercial construction.  I was raised on a family hobby farm in New Mexico and spent many years showing livestock in 4-H and FFA.  We now raise about 25 club cows, 15 recips and several Miniature Herefords.  I have two adult children, Aubrey and Zane who grew up showing livestock and my youngest, Journi, is still showing cattle.  She started showing minis when she was three so that she could be like her big brother and sister.  Journi shows Miniature Herefords in 4-H and also shows full-sized cattle.

    We have traveled many miles through lots of states making memories with our Miniature Herefords.  We have downsized our herd, but we still love our Minis and they will always have a special spot in our hearts.  We are now paying it forward for the new kids coming up.

    I have decided to run for Treasurer of the MHBA to help grow the organization for the kids and those growing into the breed.  I feel the MHBA and MHYF have been doing at great job, but it is important for others to step up and help make the organization even better.  I want to see the organization re-energized and working together to become stronger, growing the breed and making things better for our kids.  I want to work with all audiences to come together for the common cause of moving this breed in a positive direction and making sure Minis are a big deal.

    I am a single dad, have a hobby cattle farm, run a commercial construction company and we show pretty hard.  I am as busy as everyone else, but I choose to accept the challenge to help make a difference in the MHBA. 

    Isaac Wiley - Nominee for Region 3 Director

    Having grown up in the Miniature Hereford breed, I have been honored to serve the members in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Illinois and Wisconsin as Regional Director for the past several years.  I understand how important it is to promote the breed, support our breeders and keep the MHBA strong and moving forward.  

    I live in Mount Vernon, Ohio and I am one of the four that makes up 4 Wiley Farm.  I graduated from the University of Northwestern Ohio and I now work for a commercial HVAC company.  I am actively involved in the day-to-day operations of our family farm and have been a pivotal part of growing and expanding our herd and the diversity of our farm. 

    I started my service in the MHBA as a Regional Ambassador during my high school years, as well as assisting my parents with many of the shows.  I understand the importance of this breed, the fight we have fought to be recognized and how we need to continue the journey to improve our cattle and the organization.  I also recognize that while the MHBA is an association about cattle, the real focus is the people and families that we support.  The cattle industry is the greatest place to be raised and the people are what makes the journey, culture and lifestyle worth fighting for. 

    I would be honored to continue my service of representing the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association and to continue the work of moving the association forward. 

    Daniel Lloyd - Nominee for Region 3 Director

    My name is Danny Lloyd, along with my wife Heather, and two children Hayden and Hadley we own and operate Muddy Fork Ranch LLC in the north central, Ohio area. We raise Hereford, Charolais, and Miniature Hereford show stock with our focus being Miniatures. We also row crop and sell freezer beef. During the day I work in technical services for the local Caterpillar dealer where I specialize in industrial, marine, and oil and gas engines as well as generators and switchgear.

    Having grown up around Herefords while helping farm with my grandfather I developed a strong love for the breed. In 2016 my grandfather saved me a newspaper article about Miniature Herefords, this was the first time either of us had heard about them and I quickly realized I wanted to own these cattle. My grandfather passed before I purchased my first Miniature Hereford cow in 2017 but I know if he were there to see he would have been hooked like I am. Now today we have a herd of 16 and continue to grow.

    I am dedicated to navigating our breeds future while still preserving the past. I believe that together we can take on the challenge of improving our cattle without loosing site of why the Largents started this journey so many years ago. Our cattle need to remain efficient, fertile, and profitable but also keep up with the trends to satisfy the modern cattleman. This is a great challenge, but it is the challenge that I am up for.

    I appreciate your consideration for Region 3 Director and look forward to working with all of our members. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to chat please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

    Thank You, Danny Lloyd



    Charles Rohla - Nominee for Region 6 Director

    Charles Rohla received his Bachelor of Science in Animal Science, Master of Science in Agriculture Education and Doctor of Philosophy in Crop Science from Oklahoma State University.

    Rohla was raised on a farm in northwest Oklahoma where his family operated a wheat/stocker farm and growing lot. He currently lives on a small ranch in Southern Oklahoma were he, his wife and son are involved in producing hay, raising Miniature Hereford Cattle, American Quarter Horses, American Paint Horses and pecans.

    He serves on his county Farm Bureau Board, Oklahoma Agriculture Leadership Program Advisory Council, Lake of the Arbuckles Watershed Association Board, Oklahoma State University Ferguson College Alumni Society Board, along with numerous Advisory and Committee roles within the American Pecan Industry

    Charles Rohla serves as the Manager for Pecan Systems and is an Ag Consultant with the Noble Research Institute. He joined Noble in 2006.  

    Robin Benton  - Nominee for Region 9 Director

    I have raised Boer goats and Dorper sheet.  In 2015, I sold my goat herd and opted for cattle.  I knew I wouldn't be able to handle full-sized cattle, so I began researching the miniature breeds.  Since I was a kid, I've always loved the look of the Hereford.  The red and white just stood out and takes me back to my childhood days of the range cattle that hung out at my favorite fishing hole.  I was able to secure some breeding stock from a ranch in northern Utah and started my cattle ranch - Diamond Dollar Ranch.  I had no plans of showing.  However, that changed when my Regional Director arrived at my home.  It was his knowledge and somewhat persistent nudge that convinced me to show.  Now I am hooked and spend my spare time researching bloodlines, AI cattle and developing an embryo program.  I've built my herd to about 20 cows using some of the best bloodlines I can afford.  As a Regional Director, I hope I can also help others find the joy of owning and showing Miniature Herefords.

    Brian Moore - Nominee for MHYF Vice President

    I am Brian Moore from Windsor Colorado.  I grew up on a dairy farm near Osage Iowa. Farming in Iowa in the late 70’s and 80’s was rough.  So I went to college, became a teacher and never thought I would ever be involved with livestock again. Fast forward about 20 years ago my family, wife Vickie, son Nolan and daughter Kate were walking through the barn on the hill at the NWSS and fell in love with the Mini’s and I told myself, I can raise and enjoy these animals. In 2015 we bought two cow calf pairs and never looked back.

    Kids are the future of the breed and I love the being able to give back to the youth foundation.

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Proudly serving the Miniature Hereford Breed since 2001.

The Miniature Hereford Breeders Association is a 501(c)(6) organization.

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