NOTE: All MHBA Forms may be requested from the MHBA Secretary
MHBA GUIDELINES FOR NEW SHOW SET UP MHBA FORM- #2001 1. Begin a new show only if there is interest and so the show can support itself with the breeders within a 300-mile radius of the show location. It is recommended to contact breeders to see if there is interest in and the desire to support a new venue/show. 2. Find out from the venue what their commitments are and what would be required from the MHBA and the Show Superintendent. A. What minimum and/or maximum numbers of breeders or animals are required? B. What personnel does the venue supply? Examples: Judges, ring steward, announcers. C. What personnel are the MHBA/Show Superintendent required to supply? D. It is necessary to inform the venue that the cattle need to be weighed and measured, as well as the time frame needed to complete it. 1. The Venue will need to provide a scale. 2. Do they supply the personnel to weigh and measure or is that the responsibility of the Show Superintendent? E. Will the venue print the Show Program? F. Does the venue supply: 1) Ribbons and Banners 2) Premium monies. Is it a match situation? (i.e. if they pay $500 does the MHBA or other party need to match it?) 3) Payout Policy. Does the venue do the pay outs, or does MHBA? 3. Establish Dates and Times with venue: A. Arrival: Date/Time B. Check In: Date/Time C. Weigh and Measure: Date/Time D. Show: Date/Time E. Release: Date/Time 4. Check the proximity of the stalling and show arena. 5. Establish health requirements, brand inspections, and other special requirements. 6. Complete and turn in MHBA New Show Application for approval a minimum of three (3) months prior to the show. 7. Arrange for hotel accommodations. (optional) 8. Arrange for advertising, such as through the MHBA website, personal contact with local breeders, flyers, etc.