MHBA FORM- #1001 All Regional Directors will be required to:
1. Be in contact with all show superintendents in their region.
10. Prohibit the sifting of cattle for color, structure, or frame score unless given specific permission by the current MHBA Board of Directors. 11. Provide or make accessible all MHBA rules and regulations regarding all sanctioned shows both open and pre-junior/junior to all exhibitors. 12. Show Superintendents must adhere to their allotted sponsorship (if applies) budget/funding provided to the show by the MHBA. No additional expenses will be covered by the MHBA; it will be the responsibility of the Show Superintendent to acquire addition funding for prizes, premiums, etc. from sponsors or fundraising if additional funding is desired. |
MHBA FORM #1002 UPDATED- 9/24/2023 MHBA General Open Show Rules 1. All exhibitors must be a current paid member of the MHBA to be eligible to show.
MHBA FORM- #1004
Revised 3/16/2025
MHBA Pre-Junior Rules:
1. There will be NO premiums paid to the Pre-Junior show exhibitors unless otherwise stated in the premium book.
2. Exhibitors must be current Miniature Hereford Breeder Association members either under Family or Junior membership.
3. Participants must have reached their 3rd birthday by day of show. Participants must not have reached their 8th birthday by day of show.
4. No participant will be discriminated against due to a physical, emotional or mental disability. The only request is to communicate needed accommodations in advance with the Show Superintendent. Approval will not be given based solely on the age of the exhibitor.
5. Exhibitors name must be listed on the animal's registration certificate as "owner” or “co-owner.”
6. The exhibitor listed on the entry will need to be the exhibitor for the show and showmanship.
7. If Pre-Junior exhibits an animal in the Pre-Junior cattle show, another sibling cannot exhibit the same animal in the junior show.
8. Pre-Junior Exhibitors may have one person to assist with exhibiting their animal. An assistant may be a parent, adult, sibling, or another junior exhibitor. The exhibitors are to be in control of animal in the show ring, one show stick per animal and the use of the show stick is only to be done by the pre-junior exhibitor. The use of dual show leads is permissible. The Pre-Junior must be attentive to their animal at all times. If the Pre-Junior does not have one hand controlling the animal with the show lead and the other with their show stick they are not considered to be exhibiting the animal. The assistants role is for safety reasons only and they are not allowed to assist with setting up of the cattle (ex .the assistant cannot take control of the show stick or halter to set up the animal or use halter to lift and set head) at any time.. If the Pre-Junior exhibitor releases the show lead and the assistant must take control of the animal or the pre-junior walks away from animal then the Pre-Junior is disqualified and must exit the show ring.
9. If the assistant is not following the guidelines as stated above, the exhibitor will receive one verbal warning and subsequent offences will result in the removal from the show.
10. Exhibitors must show their own animals unless excused by the show superintendent. Only exhibitors who are in attendance and are physically unable to show the animals due to illness or injury will be excused. Exhibitors may at that time secure another Pre-Jr. Member to show his/ her animals.
11. If an exhibitor has more than one entry in the same class, said exhibitor may secure another Pre-Junior member/ exhibitor to assist in exhibiting their animals
12. If an animal is disruptive to its class, it is at the discretion of the show superintendent to dismiss it from that class. Disruptive behavior includes all acts that may cause potential harm to the exhibitor, fellow exhibitors, ring staff, judge, or the calf itself.
13. If an animal gets loose in the show ring, an exhibitor will be given two chances to regain control of said animal throughout the duration of that particular show/class, this includes showmanship. After the third instance exhibitor and animal will be excused from the show ring.
14. Pre-Junior exhibitor must adhere to all MHBA Open show rules see MHBA show rules form 1002.
15. If Pre-Junior classes are NOT offered within a Junior Show, then Pre-Junior exhibitors will be permitted to show in the Junior Show classes. Pre-Juniors who are exhibiting in a Junior Show MUST adhere to all established MHBA Pre-Junior Show rules as stated in Form 1004, including the assistant (rule #8). Venue may supersede Pre-Junior rules regarding assistants or may not allow pre-junior exhibitors to participate in show.
16. There will be one person appointed to monitor assistant involvement in the show ring.
Pre - Junior Show Division:
Pre-Junior/PeeWee: 3-7
MHBA FORM- #1003
MHBA Junior Show Rules:
1. There will be NO premiums paid to Junior show exhibitors unless otherwise stated in the premium book.
2. Exhibitors must be current Miniature Hereford Breeder Association members either under Family or Junior membership.
3. Participants must have reached their 8th birthday on or before show day. Participants must not have reached their 22nd birthday before show day.
4. No participant will be discriminated against due to a physical, emotional or mental disability. The only request is to communicate needed accommodations in advance with the Show Superintendent. Approval will not be given based solely on the age of the exhibitor.
5. Exhibitors name must be listed on the animal's registration certificate as "owner” or “co-owner.”
6. The exhibitor listed on the entry will need to be the exhibitor for the show and showmanship.
7. Siblings may not use the same animal in both Pre-Junior and Junior classes.
8. Exhibitors MUST exhibit their own animal independently. Only one person (the exhibitor) per animal will be allowed in the ring. Parents, adult or a fellow exhibitor will NOT be allowed in the ring, to assist the junior. Exceptions may apply for exhibitors with reported disabilities only.
9. Exhibitors must show their own animals unless excused by the show superintendent. Only exhibitors who are in attendance but are physically unable to show the animals due to illness or injury will be excused. Exhibitors may at that time secure another Jr. Member to show his/ her animal(s).
10. If an exhibitor has more than one entry in the same class, said exhibitor may secure another junior member/ exhibitor to assist in exhibiting his/her animals.
11. If an animal is disruptive to its class, it is at the discretion of the show superintendent to dismiss it from that class. Disruptive behavior includes all acts that may cause potential harm to the exhibitor, fellow exhibitors, ring staff, judge, or the animal itself.
12. If an animal gets loose in the show ring, an exhibitor will be given two chances to regain control of said animal throughout the duration of that particular show/class, this includes showmanship. After the third instance exhibitor and animal will be excused from the show ring.
13. Junior exhibitors must adhere to all of the MHBA Open show rules
14. If there are no Pre-Junior classes offered during a Junior show, then Pre-Juniors will be allowed to participate in the Junior show as long as they adhere to the Pre-Junior show rules.
Junior show divisions:
MHBA FORM-#1005 All members of the MHBA in attendance at any Miniature Hereford sanctioned show are expected to conduct themselves in a manner becoming a member of MHBA. Violations of the above standard include, but are not limited to: misrepresentation of animals, vandalism, theft, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, failure to comply with the directives of officials, or willful violation of rules. All parents, family members, mentors and guests of juniors in attendance at MHBA sanctioned shows are expected to conduct themselves in a manner becoming of an adult, leader and role model. Role models are expected to act in an honest and trustworthy manner, act with integrity, and in an ethical and respectful manner in their interactions with junior members, staff and others at the event. Violations of the standard can result in disqualification of that member. While attending MHBA activities and events members will obey all rules established by the MHBA, MHYF, and the MHJN Board and Advisors and all local, state and federal laws. Members will be respectful and courteous of all people at all times. Members will respect the property and the facilities being used for an event and only use the facilities, buildings or other places deemed acceptable while at the event. Youth Members will avoid places or activities that in any way could raise questions as to safety, moral character or conduct. Members will refrain from loud, unruly talking; vulgar language; swearing; and other unbecoming conduct. Members will demonstrate sportsmanship in all competitions and contests and will be modest in winning and generous in defeat. Members will represent the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association, the Miniature Herefords, the beef industry and the agriculture industry with pride. IAFE NATIONAL CODE OF SHOW RING ETHICS Exhibitors of animals at livestock shows shall at all times deport themselves with honesty and good sportsmanship. Their conduct in this competitive environment shall always reflect the highest standards of honor and dignity to promote the advancement of agricultural education. This code applies to junior as well as open class exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competition. This code applies to all livestock offered in any event at a livestock show. In addition to the “IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics,” fairs and livestock shows may have rules and regulations which they impose on the local, county, state, provincial and national levels. All youth leaders working with junior exhibitors are under an affirmative responsibility to do more than avoid improper conduct or questionable acts. Their moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and more pliable will be influenced by their fine example. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers and absolutely responsible persons who violate the code of ethics will forfeit premiums, awards and auction proceeds and shall be prohibited from future exhibition in accordance with the rules adopted by the respective fairs and livestock shows. Exhibitors who violate this code of ethics demean the integrity of all livestock exhibitors and should be prohibited from competition at all livestock shows in the United States and Canada. The following is a list of guidelines for all exhibitors and all livestock in competitive events: 1. All exhibitors must present, upon request of fair and livestock show officials, proof of ownership, length of ownership and age of all animals entered. Misrepresentation of ownership, age, or any facts, relating thereto is prohibited. 2. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers, or absolutely responsible persons shall provide animal health certificates from licensed veterinarians upon request by fair or livestock show officials. 3. Junior exhibitors are expected to care for and groom their animals while at fairs or livestock shows. 4. Animals shall be presented to show events where they will enter the food chain free of drug residues. The act of entering an animal in a livestock show is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer and/or absolutely responsible person for show management to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood, or other substances from the animal to be used in testing. Animals not entered in an event which culminates with the animal entering the food chain shall not be administered drugs other than in accordance with applicable federal, state and provincial statutes, regulations and rules. Livestock shall not be exhibited if the drugs administered in accordance with federal, state and provincial statutes, regulations and rules affect the animal’s performance or appearance at the event. If the laboratory report on the chemical analysis of saliva, urine, blood, or other sample taken from livestock indicates the presence of forbidden drugs or medication, this shall be prima facie evidence such substance has been administered to the animal either internally or externally. Itis presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood, or other substance tested by the laboratory to which it is sent is the one taken from the animal in question, its integrity is preserved and all procedures of said collection and preservation, transfer to the laboratory and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the animal in question and correctly reflects the condition of the animal at the time the sample was taken, with the burden on the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person to prove otherwise. At any time after an animal arrives on the fair or livestock show premises, all treatments involving the use of drugs and/or medications for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal shall be administered by a licensed veterinarian. 5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug or the external application of any substance (irritant, counterirritant, or similar substance) which could affect the animal’s performance or alter its natural contour, confirmation, or appearance, except external applications of substances to the hoofs or horns of animals which affect appearance only and except for surgical procedures performed by a duly licensed veterinarian for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal is prohibited. 6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or devices such as striking animals to cause swelling, using electrical contrivance, or other similar practices are not acceptable and are prohibited. 7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair or livestock show management, other exhibitors, breed representatives, or show officials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. In the furtherance of their official duty, all judges, fair and livestock show management, or other show officials shall be treated with courtesy, cooperation and respect and no person shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward them. 8. No owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person shall conspire with another person or persons to intentionally violate this code of ethics or knowingly contribute or cooperate with another person or persons either by affirmative action or inaction to violate this code of ethics. Violation of this rule shall subject such individual to disciplinary action. 9. The application of this code of ethics provides for absolute responsibility for an animal’s condition by an owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or participant whether or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had actual knowledge of the treatment of the animal in contravention of the code of ethics. 10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person to have any disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show for violation of this Code of Show Ring Ethics and any other rules of competition of the fair or livestock show without recourse against the fair or livestock show. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent that any proceedings or disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show may be published with the name of the violator or violators in any publication of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions, including Fairs and Expositions and any special notices to members. 11. The act of entering an animal in a fair or livestock show is the giving of verification by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible person that he or she has read the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics and understands the consequences of and penalties provided for actions prohibited by the code. It is further a consent that any action which contravenes these rules and is also in violation of federal, state, or provincial statues, regulations, or rules may be released to appropriate law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over such infractions |
MHBA FORM- #1006
Breeder is defined as the recorded owner of the dam at the time of service.
Bred and Owned is defined as an animal in which the breeder and owners name are the same on the animals AHA registration papers
Champion is the title placed on the animal winning a certain division of a Miniature Hereford show. (Example: Champion Senior Bull, Champion Jr. Heifer Calf etc.) These cattle must have won first in their respective class and also must have won first in their class division
Continuous Owner is defined as the recorded owner of the animal without history of transfer
Co-owner is defined as a person who owns something jointly with another person equally.
Frame Score is a method of categorizing the skeletal size of cattle.
First Owner is defined as the recorded owner of the dam at the time the calf is born.
Grand Champion is the winner of all division class winners for a Miniature Hereford show. (Example: Grand Champion Female- top female from all female division champions). The Grand Champion animal must have been awarded a Division Championship and then placed first in the Grand Champion drive.
Heifer is a young female cow that has not borne a calf.
Market Steer(s) are male cattle that have been castrated and are over one(1) year of age, but do not exceed two(2) years of age.
Member in Good Standing is a membership that has been paid in full without lapse for a period of at least three consecutive years.
MHBA Sanctioned shows are Miniature Hereford shows that the Miniature Hereford Breeders Association recognizes as an official Miniature Hereford Breed Show. These shows are expected to adhere to all MHBA rules and policies.
Prospect Steer(s) are male cattle that have been castrated and are one (1) year old or less.
Sponsored Show is a MHBA sanctioned show that is provided a designated amount of funding to assist in the purchasing of awards and premium moneys
Steer(s) are castrated male cattle intended for slaughter.
Superintendent is a person who manages or organizes a specific show.